Wow! So much in the media about women’s place at work!
Greg Hurst in the Times pointed out that female leaders are better than their male counterparts.
……The Wall Street Journal last year reported on how men won more promotions and women felt that gender issues contributed to them not getting promotions.
……Last year the Fawcett Society called for more action to tackle the gender pay gap.
……The Guardian reported that despite the increase in the number of women in UK boardrooms, they still tend to hold non-executive and non-CEO or Chair positions.
……According to a report from Coutts and the Centre for Entrepreneurs 38%of serial entrepreneurs under 35 are women.
……And Royal Bank of Scotland’s research showed that in 2015 businesses led by women contributed £3.51bn to the UK economy and created 77,000 jobs in 2015.
Wow indeed. And so the big questions:
1. Are women getting the same opportunities in the workplace and in setting up businesses?
2. Are women being treated equally in the business world to men?
3. What do we need to do to make sure this happens?
Sorry, we don’t have the answers all neatly packaged here for you now. But we are going to explore this issue in the coming months so we encourage you to visit our news page and have a look at our newsletter to get some answers and create some actions in the right direction.
Starting off, please read the first part of Women at the Top Leadership Research; fascinating insights on Women at the Top’s reflections on leadership by Halina Jaroszewska.
Halina’s research is an ongoing project and a valuable contribution to this dynamic subject; if you feel you have something to contribute or you know of a woman who does, please get in touch with Halina.