Developing talent using a coaching approach
Google’s Oxygen project explored why some managers are better and more effective than others and one of the critical skills identified was their ability to coach. Coaching enables a culture of learning, collaboration, employee engagement and a desire to achieve. Successful organisations use coaching skills to improve performance, communication and output.
“I never cease to be amazed at the power of the coaching process to draw out the skills or talent that was previously hidden within an individual, and which invariably finds a way to solve a problem previously thought unsolvable.” ― John Russell, Managing Director, Harley―Davidson Europe Ltd

- Encourage everyone to develop their peak potential
- Establish a culture of active, interested, agile, enquiring learning
- Grow awareness of options to do things differently and better
- Discover what is standing in the way and preventing progress
- Identify options to surmount those obstacles, finding innovative strategies to move forward
- Developing models to allow personal growth and talent development
- Communicating better with everyone, building engagement, positively impacting performance
- Develop and expand leadership and team capacity.
Coaching capability gives individuals a powerful tool to develop their own personal performance and to elicit the best from others. By building an appreciative and developmental view of the organisation, that fits with its people, its customers and stakeholders, it is a key contributor to organisational, individual and team success.
What developing a coaching approach can deliver
- Seeing with clarity how coaching skills enhance performance
- An understanding of how to use key coaching elements of building rapport, empathy, listening and questioning the right way, giving feedback,
- The ability to build an empathic, trusting coaching relationships that achieve objectives and better performance outcomes
- Providing a method for individuals and teams to explore their strengths, potential, ambitions and options
- Creating a backpack of tools and techniques to encourage better communication, awareness of self and others, problem solving, innovative thinking and an open mindset.
Our Developing a Coaching Approach Workshops are interactive, experiential, instructive and sharing to ensure great learning and best practice. You will explore coaching models, tools and techniques, practicalities and applications and have the opportunity to develop your own personal methodologies and strengths to enable truly effective coaching relationships. Workshops range from half day to 3 days and are delivered by fully experienced and qualified professionals.
Feedback from clients who have worked with SCT to develop a coaching approach
Catering & Hospitality Business Adviser : “As a professional business advisor I needed help in bordening my skill-set to include aspects of coaching and mentoring. David Rigby helped me to really understand the differences and how to apply the techniques.”
Operations Director – Insurance Business “…I was highly critical of the staff…Isla helped me to understand the reason that this was happening and why. Over the years, a pattern of only hearing negative feedback had developed; therefore this was having an impact on my perception of the workforce and company. Taking a coaching approach…created a more motivated, content workforce.”