We Offer Fundamentals and Specialisms

The “SMART” acronym stands for “specific,” “measurable,” “attainable,” “relevant,” and “time-bound.” We offer a flexible, proactive and dynamic service.
Whatever your organisational, individual, leadership or team needs are, have Smart Coaching & Training be your first call. Starting with a free strategy session we will discuss your needs and create a proposal to suit you.
Our building blocks
Fundamentals & Components –
Learning in big chunks and small chunks, on your own or with groups, on line or face to face
We offer Fundamental Skills based around Key Specialisms
Our Four Fundamental skills are
Coaching and Mentoring Read more here
Training and Development Read more here.
Keynote Speaking, Talking and Writing Read more here
Consulting and Facilitation Read more here
Key Specialisms
We work with five key specialisms
Diversity, Inclusion, Interculturality
Maximise yourself and the talent that’s available to you
By understanding the issues of diversity and the pitfalls and benefits of inclusion you can learn to maximise the benefits of developing key relationships with others.
is about developing skills and behaviours enable you to integrate with any nationality to achieve success ,
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Cognitive Profiling
Be excellent in yourself and what you do

Many organisations offer profiling tools, where you go on-line and select various preferences and lo & behold out comes a long report. So what?
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Psychosocial Adult Development
Developing your potential even further

Psychosocial Adult Development – Whereas cognitive profiling can be seen as horizontal, adult development (Vertical Development and Spiral Dynamics) can be seen as vertical . By understanding yourself and recognising traits in others you can begin to develop skills to help you fulfil your potential.
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Wellness at work
If you are well, both mentally and physically you will achieve more.
Wellness at Work – If you are well, both mentally and physically you will achieve more. Being in the right job in the right place will increase satisfaction. We run coaching, individual on-line training and group workshops in Wellness, to help you gain better understanding of the problem areas you may have in your life and begin to alleviate stress, tension and anxiety so you can live life happier, with more freedom and peace of mind, and achieve your career goals.
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Psychological Safety
For a resilient, confident, accountable, engaged workforce
Psychological Safety – The main indicator of team success is the environment they work in. For teams to reach their potential and perform at their best it is imperative for leaders to set a climate that not only permits but requires all team members to speak their truth to power in safety. How safe do your people feel? We run a client intervention programme and individual training and coaching, responsibility, negotiation and leadership.
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Call us on +447788425688 for more details or send us an enquiry