Cognitive Interculturality is the most important skill for Diversity
“We are going to look at Why Cognitive Interculturality is the most important skill for Diversity But first – what is it ?”
This topic was recently presented by David Rigby at Toastmasters Madrid – watch it here

Have you ever wondered why you can talk to some people more easily than others? This because some people think the same way as you , others think differently .
All people sit somewhere on the line between introvert and extrovert. Some people work with their emotions others are much more logical . Every one is a combination of all but some are more prevalent.
Cognitive Profiling
In Smart Coaching & Training we use Cognitive Profiling tool C-me which describes people by assigning colours Red Green Blue And Yellow.
• Reds are extrovert and logical – they don’t do detail or feelings.
• Blues are introverts and logical – they like rules and details – emotions not allowed
• Greens are introverts and emotional – they want to make sure every one is ok
• Yellows are extrovert and emotional – brilliant at networking terrible at finishing tasks .
Cognitively Diverse teams are Teams with all four colours are able to take advantage of all the ways of thinking. Cognitive Interculturality is being able know yourself and be able to communicate with all the others.
C-me Cognitive Profiling showing types and Communication Preferences

Most people think Diversity about differences you can see – race/ethnicity, sex/gender, age and perhaps sexuality and neurodiversity. These are the ones which get the most publicity and are measured. But there are many other types of diversity – religion, class, education, country of origin, country of birth/residence, nationality, wealth, which part of the country, accent/
There are stereotypes. Spanish people are like this – turn up late etc, are emotional and outgoing. Dutch are not emotional and direct and on time. That means they behave according to particular colours. Hofstede has analysed countries according to 5 criteria. But the reality is most people in a country do not behave according to the international perception of their culture.
Cognitive Interculturality – one more thing to consider
The most successful teams are the ones where the members think differently- that is cognitively diverse, And where the individuals are expert at communicating with each other – and that’s Cognitive Interculturality. It’s one more very important thing to think about on top of the usual intercultural topics. Read more here .
Smart Coaching & Training works with 20 associates, in four continents speaking 12 languages and raised and working in a wide range of cultures. See our associates here.
Written by David Rigby © 2024 Smart Coaching & Training Ltd