Having the unconventional on your team
A man in a frock, a westerner in Arab dress! Which is worse? In this world of diversity what are you challenging when you break conventions, what are you going to achieve?
A man in a frock
A man in a frock: This shows a sign of confidence. A person good at getting publicity by challenging conventions. This photo was on linked in (I got permission to use) . The comments which went with it were fascinating. “No place for this on LinkedIn, an affront to women etc”. The overwhelming opinion seemed to be that those who were complaining should just get over it and get real. The transformation is impeccable – but still so obviously a man in a frock and high, high heels, not a woman. It should be noted that these days no one complains about women wearing trousers yet they were male clothing, High heels also were male attire, originally designed to prevent horse riders fall of their horses. Probably a good person to have on a diverse team – he would definitely get you to challenge your assumptions.
A Westerner in a thobe
A Westerner in a thobe (Arabic dress): this shows signs of disrespect. This is traditional clothing worn by Arabic Muslims. Non-Arabic Muslims in the business world tend to wear suits for business. Occasionally you will see Pakistanis and non Arabs wearing a thobe. Enquiring from my Muslim friends this represents Muslims showing support and respect for the Muslim Arabs. But they can only do it because they, themselves, are Muslims. So what will a westerner (presumed not Muslim) wearing a thobe achieve? – he will just look stupid and unaware. Don’t have him on your team!
It’s good to challenge assumptions and conventions – but know what you are challenging !
At Smart Coaching & Training we have associates in four continents speaking seven languages – some wear skirts some wear thobes.
Written by David Rigby , © 2021 Smart Coaching & Training Ltd