I had the privilege of being a guest speaker, along with Patricia Malidor-Coleman:, Edwin Hoffman ; Magdalena Szumna and Papa Balla Ndong. This was part of SIETAR Europa’s ongoing Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) Learning Series. This strategic DEIB training initiative is designed to foster active and actionable approaches to DEIB within the workplace, cultivating a more inclusive and innovative environment. During this session, we delved into important questions. These were my questions and answers.
What are the common barriers to DEIB?
In the UK, in particular, while there has been progress, there are still issues in London where code switching is essential to appear part of the team. We all know the stories where a culturally black person, that is someone who is culturally loud, has to take on another persona as well as a different accent in order to be accepted at work, otherwise it ‘frightens the horses’ . And he also code switches from one accent to another. But it is also true that when a person from the North of England regardless of colour comes to London. They have to lose their accent (Brum, Lancashire, Liverpool, Yorkshire) not to be taken as stupid. Where other accents, such as Scottish don’t seem to matter.
What is an example of a diversity Issue?
A situation where a gay man is with his partner and visits a country for work where being gay is illegal. Does he/ can he take his partner with him? Can they share a room? Can he take his partner to social events, business dinners. Can he mention what he did at the weekend and who with – and if he doesn’t?
Another an example of a diversity Issue?
It is still the case in the Middle East where, for exactly the same job, people’s salaries depend on their nationality. Being European can be an advantage. Recently I put forward several people to deliver training in Abu Dhabi. I was told that one of the best people I suggested was not suitable because she was Arabic. And I was told this by an Indian Female as they know their clients well. And of course Indians recruit Indians (probably from the same village) as they don’t have intercultural issues which to them is more important than the benefits of diversity..
They say Artificial Intelligence ( AI) has the potential to enhance DEIB outcomes with its speed creativity, and potential for scalability. What do you think?
ChatGPT is based on the information from mainly, white, American Males – so EVERYTHING it tells you is biased. This makes DIEB worse.
What are some inclusion moments ideas for meetings?
A best inclusion moment can be sharing food. Get everyone to bring in a local dish and share. And this also includes the diverse requirements of Vegetarians and Vegans. Some people will only eat what they are familiar with and you have to put up with it. Some have religious constraints so be careful with Pig and Cow meat and Halal requirements. There is also the issue of drink: For some people alcohol is forbidden, and others, such as the lifestyle of the Spanish it is an everyday thing. Don’t cop out for fear of offence. It will depend which country you are in And the timing of meals, the use of cutlery, which cutlery, or not, are all opportunities to share experience. Some people might want to say Grace or equivalent.
Diana Ross’ 80th Birthday and DEIB
I wrote an article about Diana Ross’ 80th Birthday and DEIB . There wasn’t enough time. But here’s the article

Smart Coaching & Training works with 20 associates, in four continents speaking 12 languages and raised and working in a wide range of cultures. See our associates here.
Written by David Rigby © 2024 Smart Coaching & Training Ltd