Change Days Barcelona, Valencia Digital Summit, Professional Speakers Association – Grow Convention Barcelona
Last week I attended Change Days Barcelona and Valencia Digital Summit(VDS), back to back .
Change Days was attended by 40 people VDS by several thousand. Next week at Professional Speakers Association Grow Convention Barcelona.
Presentation Skills
I have learnt that less is more. As a member of the Professional Speakers Association we learn that it’s better to use no slides, but if you must, use slides with very little content especially words. But at VDS these are techies . Every slide a wiring diagram, no time to read given by the presenter, or the presenter read it to you. – and you are supposed to know all the acronyms . No facilities for slides at Change Days. Each presenter drew you in by the force of their personality.
Levels of participation
In both cases, at certain times, there were 6 events going on at once. A stark contrast was, at Change Days everyone was totally committed to fully attend each offering, phones off, no laptops . In the auditoria at VDS– whether a panel was exchanging views or a single speaker was presenting almost 80% of the mainly male audience was not only browsing their phones but actively using their laptops. Hard to believe that hardly anyone found a compelling presentation given the great choice. I admit to not being enthralled about “How many microchips there are in the world” or “how I rescued a failing e-bike business” but those are personal views. However at Change Days learning about KungFu Breathing and How to Marry Yourself was totally engaging.

Sheona Della Fort, David Rigby,
Caroline Dream, Jessica Breitenfeld

At VDS the most interesting person I met – placing females into the Techie industry – knew many of the people at change days. At Change Days there were four Smart Coaching & Training associates, all of whom presented , Jessica Breitenfeld, Caroline Dream, and Sheona Della Fort , and several other people I already knew. I this safe environment the best thing to do was to develop connections with people I didn’t know and we will be great friends next time!
Professional Speakers Association (Spain) – Grow Convention Barcelona 9 November 2024
The next weekend it will be my third Professional Speakers Association Convention. I am pleased to presenting on Diversity along with fellow Smart Coaching & Associate Ricardo Cabete and 15 other speakers. It will be like a combination of the two previous events.
It’s worthwhile to have invested the time in the past to know these experts and to be fully confident in their presence. Why not come along on November 9th and improve your confidence? https://psa-spain.com/convention/

Smart Coaching & Training works with 28 associates, in four continents speaking 14 languages and raised and working in a wide range of cultures. See our associates here.
Many of our associates learned how to speak via Toastmasters and Professional Speakers Association Read more
Written by David Rigby © 2024 Smart Coaching & Training Ltd