Remembering Dr David Clive Price
Most of us ‘ain’t going nowhere’ at present because of COVID. So, you can sit at home doing nothing, or you can consider the world as being your oyster. With tools such as Zoom you can attend virtual meetings in virtually any country and subsequently in another immediately after. And each meeting can have attendees from multiple countries. So, you have the opportunity to really cock it up several times a day. Do you know enough about the culture, the attitude to hierarchies, how decisions are made, approaches to LGBTQ+, women and ageism.
Do you even know where the countries are that delegates are coming from?
Can you
• Understand the underlying languages of the delegates
• Speak loud enough so that everyone can understand
• Simplify your language, being careful not to use expressions
• Know when to read out loud documents for readers where not first language
• Appreciate that some can read better than they can speak and for others – the reverse
• Understand the decision-making process
• Show the skills of enabling people to come round to your opinion without them losing face
• Know enough about other languages to at least do small talk

Developing the personal skills to be able to succeed in many different countries at the same time or in rapid succession is not a case of learning the languages and the cultural mores. It is a case of changing the way YOU behave and your actions so that, wherever you are, you are both accepted by the people and are successfully able to navigate your way to success. Rather than expecting everyone to be like you it is an opportunity to cash in on the differences if only you know how.
Diversity and Inclusion
Diversity and Inclusion covers the pitfalls and benefits of working with a team where the members are not exactly like you, whether local or global. To finally grasp why the benefits are worth it despite the aggravation, and how to develop the skills to succeed. Intercultural Globality is about developing your sixth sense using Emotional Intelligence, NLP, sensitivity and awareness. Developing the confidence to glide through the conflicting cultural messages.
Hidden Demons
I am writing this in tribute to our associate Dr David Clive Price who died in December from COVID after a short illness. His knowledge of working with different cultures was second to none – as he had lived a life and practiced before he preached. I took some of his courses.
We were about to jointly deliver a webinar based on his latest book, about which SCT wrote “Hidden Demons is a wonderful read based on his life story together with training about how to recognise the depths he fell into and in particular how he can help you get out of them. Compelling personal story, great coaching, compulsive read.”
Read Hidden Demons: How to Overcome Anxiety, Addiction and Fear of Failure – it’s a great way to appreciate the necessity and benefits of Intercultural Globality. Read more about Intercultural Globality …
Read more about Dr David Clive Price
Written by David Rigby, © 2021 Smart Coaching & Training Ltd