by David Rigby
Introduction for Diversity Success WEBINAR Thursday 14 September 2023

Dorleta Gonzalez will interview SCT MD David Rigby to discuss diversity success in a webinar on Thursday 14th September – Book your place via Eventbrite here
“Wake up and smell the coffee” is a favourite expression of my favourite estate agent. This message therefore is aimed at the 50% who work with feelings over facts, or who are emotional rather than logical. Logically this message has no effect on those 50% of the population unimpressed by the call to emotion.
Then he is assuming that everyone loves the smell of coffee which they don’t. So, he is alienating more people than he is impressing with his message. It’s the same with selling cars – imagine xxx does not impress 50% of the potential buyers. On the other hand , of those logical ones, 50% don’t do detailed facts either. So bombarding people with detailed facts may impress just 25% of your target customers.
If all your team thinks the same as you, then the likelihood is you will target the 25% of your potential market. Your team might tick all the boxes regarding race, sex, age, sexuality, religion etc but if you all think the same way you are missing out on maybe 75% of sales.
It is a recognised fact that diverse teams get better results, but only if the team is properly diverse and the individuals properly belong. A board full of the male pale and stale and the token woman only deals with ‘women’s issues’ is not a diverse board. If the male, pale and stale think differently then they may be a more diverse board than if it’s made up of a people which are “technically” diverse. And the same goes for your teams.
Recruiting a team or board which is cognitively diverse is the best chance of success. How would you know? By using profiling tools to assess your current team and the kind of persons you would want to complete your team or board. We recommend using colour profiling assessments and team wheels. For more information look at this page
Diversity and Success WEBINAR 14 September 2023
Join our Smart Coaching & Training’s MD David Rigby on 14 September 17.30- 18.15 CEST (16.30 to 1815 BST)(19.30 to 20.15 GST) being interviewed by Dorleta Gonzalez about how using colour profiling and team wheels to develop a team or Board which is truly diverse – that is cognitively diverse. Book your place via eventbrite link here.
Read about Diversity here and about Profiing here
Smart Coaching & Training works with 20 associates, in four continents speaking 12 languages and raised and working in a wide range of cultures. See our associates here.
Written by David Rigby © 2023 Smart Coaching & Training Ltd